Jerry Nelson
Senior Pastor
Jerry loves God and people and considers it a privilege to serve in the job that perfectly fits his loves: pastoral ministry.
Jerry and his bride and beloved confidant, Vicki, live in Woodbridge. They are blessed to have a blended family with five adult children and a growing priceless collection of grandchildren. Jerry is a graduate of Monterey Bay Academy, Pacific Union College (BA in Theology), and Andrews University (Master of Divinity).
His ministry passion involves cooperating with our all-powerful and generous
God to help His people experience their full potential through a living connection with Jesus, as they share love and the hope of Christ’s soon return.
Jerry and his bride and beloved confidant, Vicki, live in Woodbridge. They are blessed to have a blended family with five adult children and a growing priceless collection of grandchildren. Jerry is a graduate of Monterey Bay Academy, Pacific Union College (BA in Theology), and Andrews University (Master of Divinity).
His ministry passion involves cooperating with our all-powerful and generous
God to help His people experience their full potential through a living connection with Jesus, as they share love and the hope of Christ’s soon return.
Email: Jerry.Nelson@nccsda.com
Vicki Nelson
Associate Pastor
I was baptized when I was only 9 years old. I knew I wanted to follow Jesus but didn’t discover what it really meant to have a relationship with Him until I was a young adult taking a college class from a Pastor named Morris Venden. My eyes were opened to the joy of connecting deeply every day and how that was transformational for life! I feel passionate and called to help others discover how much God loves us and how He wants to bless and grow us.
Both my parents were 2nd generation Adventists and I was blessed to grow up in a home where God’s love was lived out in so many ways. My parents were both deeply spiritual and loved to read and learn and grow. I was inspired to do the same and hope and pray that my children will carry on that legacy.
I began my career as an RN, working in critical care with heart patients and later with critically ill children. When my children were young I became involved at their school and was drawn to pursue further education so that I could work with young people in their developing years. I earned a BA in liberal arts and a teaching credential at the secondary level, teaching at an Adventist school in sciences, religion, PE, music, and English. I loved connecting with the students and discovering what helped or hindered their journeys. This spurred me to continue my education with a Master’s in clinical ministry and chaplaincy, later working as a school counselor at a Christian boarding school, and then as a chaplain at a children’s hospital. I was invited to pursue further education in the first doctoral program in religion and health offered at Loma Linda University. This education and research prepared me to teach for the School of Religion, teaching courses in wholeness and health, compassion, grief and dying, ethics of spirituality in healthcare and others.
My heart for ministry has developed over time in all these different venues. I especially am called to people who are hurting- wanting to share God’s love that is healing, powerful, transformational. I am so grateful, as I look back over my career and life journey, that God has prepared me for this time and place. And I am humbly awed that He will lead and grow me as He has all along the path.
Both my parents were 2nd generation Adventists and I was blessed to grow up in a home where God’s love was lived out in so many ways. My parents were both deeply spiritual and loved to read and learn and grow. I was inspired to do the same and hope and pray that my children will carry on that legacy.
I began my career as an RN, working in critical care with heart patients and later with critically ill children. When my children were young I became involved at their school and was drawn to pursue further education so that I could work with young people in their developing years. I earned a BA in liberal arts and a teaching credential at the secondary level, teaching at an Adventist school in sciences, religion, PE, music, and English. I loved connecting with the students and discovering what helped or hindered their journeys. This spurred me to continue my education with a Master’s in clinical ministry and chaplaincy, later working as a school counselor at a Christian boarding school, and then as a chaplain at a children’s hospital. I was invited to pursue further education in the first doctoral program in religion and health offered at Loma Linda University. This education and research prepared me to teach for the School of Religion, teaching courses in wholeness and health, compassion, grief and dying, ethics of spirituality in healthcare and others.
My heart for ministry has developed over time in all these different venues. I especially am called to people who are hurting- wanting to share God’s love that is healing, powerful, transformational. I am so grateful, as I look back over my career and life journey, that God has prepared me for this time and place. And I am humbly awed that He will lead and grow me as He has all along the path.

Manny Gonzales
Associate/Youth Pastor
Manny has been serving English Oaks and the Lodi community as associate/youth pastor since 2018. Manny is passionate about sharing the love of Jesus with people. His goal is to help others (especially young people) form an authentic relationship with Jesus that will impact their relationships and transform them from the inside out.
In order to provide space for this Manny organizes Friday night worship services that involve student led music, games and even opportunities to speak. Manny also leads our morning youth sabbath school that gives opportunities for student to deepen their walk with God through bible study and small group discussion. Not only do they get spiritual food but they also get a variety of physical food such as waffles. Manny has also helped plug in student leaders within the church, such as a student who is an elder, worship leaders and students helping with AV and sound. In addition, Manny is involved at the church schools, Lodi Academy and Lodi SDA Elementary. He provides support through speaking for chapel, teaching senior bible, bible studies with elementary students and being present on campus to support kids and staff. Manny is passionate about journeying with young people to see their faith grow and to be present throughout the good and difficult times of life.
Here are a few way's Manny enjoys life. Aside from God, family is very important to Manny. He is a husband to the love of his life, Katherine Gonzales and a father to his daughter, Gabriella Grace Gonzales (Gigi). Manny loves eating food. His favorite food is Mexican food. Manny also enjoys just being around people, having fun and getting to know them. Living a healthy lifestyle is important to Manny, which includes exercise weekly, playing sports and eating a balanced diet.
Aside from his email, here are others ways to connect with Manny
Instagram: _manny.g_07
Facebook: Manny Gonzales
In order to provide space for this Manny organizes Friday night worship services that involve student led music, games and even opportunities to speak. Manny also leads our morning youth sabbath school that gives opportunities for student to deepen their walk with God through bible study and small group discussion. Not only do they get spiritual food but they also get a variety of physical food such as waffles. Manny has also helped plug in student leaders within the church, such as a student who is an elder, worship leaders and students helping with AV and sound. In addition, Manny is involved at the church schools, Lodi Academy and Lodi SDA Elementary. He provides support through speaking for chapel, teaching senior bible, bible studies with elementary students and being present on campus to support kids and staff. Manny is passionate about journeying with young people to see their faith grow and to be present throughout the good and difficult times of life.
Here are a few way's Manny enjoys life. Aside from God, family is very important to Manny. He is a husband to the love of his life, Katherine Gonzales and a father to his daughter, Gabriella Grace Gonzales (Gigi). Manny loves eating food. His favorite food is Mexican food. Manny also enjoys just being around people, having fun and getting to know them. Living a healthy lifestyle is important to Manny, which includes exercise weekly, playing sports and eating a balanced diet.
Aside from his email, here are others ways to connect with Manny
Instagram: _manny.g_07
Facebook: Manny Gonzales
Email: manuel.gonzales@nccsda.com

Brooke Allen
Church Administrator
Brooke has been serving as the Office Administrator of English Oaks since March of 2021. She has been a member of English Oaks Church since she was little. She enjoys speaking with members that come through the office and hopes that she can help everyone in any way she can.
Brooke enjoys spending time with her friends and family, reading, playing basketball, and getting out doors and hiking as often as possible.
Brooke enjoys spending time with her friends and family, reading, playing basketball, and getting out doors and hiking as often as possible.
Email: office@englishoaks.org