Whatever It Takes

Feb 24, 2024    Pastor Manny Gonzales

Please join us as Pastor Manny Gonzales brings us the message "Whatever It Takes". As we look around at our world, our country, even out own neighborhood, it's not hard to recognize that there are many people who are in need. People are hurting, financially struggling, their health has given out on them. I'm guessing that many of us can think of someone who is in need. There is a story in the Bible of four friends who helped a friend in need. This man was a paralytic and his friends heard that Jesus was in town. They picked him up and took him on a mat to a house where Jesus was. The house was packed. Standing room only all the way to the outside. They could not get in to see Jesus. So what did they do? They went to the top of the house, tore the roof off, and lowered their friend down to Jesus. They did whatever it took so their friend could experience a life-changing encounter with Jesus. What about us? Is there anyone in our circle who we can think of who is in need? Are we willing to do whatever it takes to bring those who are in need to God? We hope you can join us on Sabbath as we unpack the powerful story of Mark 2:1-12.